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性别 : 男

毕业院校 : 西南交通大学

学历 : 博士研究生毕业

学位 : 博士学位

在职信息 : 在岗

所在单位 : 工学院

入职时间 : 2021年08月02日

学科 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 交通运输

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个人简介Personal Profile

  孙建锋,硕士生导师,博士毕业于西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室车辆工程专业,佛罗伦萨大学工业工程系访问学者,现为浙江师范大学工学院讲师。研究领域为轨道车辆系统动力学,致力于高速列车动力学行为机理的揭示及动力性能的提升,包括蛇行稳定性机理、减振技术、状态监测与故障诊断等研究方向。参与国家重点研发计划项目1项、浙江省重点项目1项;近年来,在 Vehicle System Dynamics, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Journal of Multibody dynamics, Journal of Vibration and Control, 机械工程学报,交通运输工程学报等国内外学术期刊上发表论文20余篇;主研并参与企业合作项目10余项,授权发明专利1项;爱好打篮球。

 Researchgate 个人主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianfeng-Sun-11,欢迎具有工科专业背景,对轨道交通感兴趣的同学报考。





[1] “自适应转向架关键技术”的子课题“自适应转向架动力学优化理论及评估方法研究”(2018YFB1201701),国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2018-07至2021-06, 520万元,结题,参与。

[2] 面向耦合特征分离与提取的高铁齿轮箱轴承的早期故障机理研究(LZ22E050001),浙江省重点项目,2021-12至今,参与。


孙建锋,周开磊,池茂儒,金学松. 铁道车辆晃车测试方法及系统,2019-8-1,中国,ZL201910706211.X



[1] Chunfu Gao, Siyuan Bao, Chongqiu Zhou, Xinsheng He, Shiju E, Jianfeng Sun, Jijun Gong. Research on the line point cloud processing method for railway wheel profile with a laser profile sensor[J]. Measurement, 2023.

[2] Chufu Gao, Siyuan Bao, Chongqiu Zhou, Jianfeng Sun, Xinsheng He. Methods of Radius of Curvature and Tread Circle-Fitting Studies for Railway Wheel Profiles[J]. Machines, 2023.


[1] Jianfeng Sun, Enrico Meli, Xinwu Song, Maoru Chi, Weidong Jiao, Yonghua Jiang. A novel measuring system for high-speed railway vehicles hunting monitoring able to predict wheelset motion and wheel/rail contact characteristics[J]. 2022: 1-23.

[2] Jianfeng Sun, Maoru Chi, Weidong Jiao, Yonghua Jiang, Gang Li, Jizhong Shi. Modal parameters-based hunting stability analysis of high-speed railway vehicles considering full range of equivalent conicity[J]. Journal of Multibody Dynamics, 2022, 236(3): 422-439.

[3] Liangcheng Dai, Maoru Chi, Zhaotuan Guo, Hongxin Gao, Xingwen Wu, Jianfeng Sun, Shulin Liang. A physical model-neural network coupled modelling methodology of the hydraulic damper for railway vehicles[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2022: 1-22.

[4] Liangcheng Dai, Maoru Chi, Chuanbo Xu, Hongxin Gao, Jianfeng Sun, Xingwen Wu, Shulin Liang. A hybrid neural network model based modelling methodology for the rubber bushing[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2022, 60(9): 2941-2962.

[5] Weidong Jiao, Tianyu Yan, Huilin Pan, Attiq Ur Rehman, Jianfeng Sun. A three-stage method for efficiently extracting the higher-order harmonics of bearing fault characteristic frequencies[J]. Journal of vibration and control, 2022: 10775463221140440.

[6] Wei Li, Qinghua Guan, Maoru Chi, Zefeng Wen, Jianfeng Sun. An investigation into the influence of wheel–rail contact relationships on the carbody hunting stability of an electric locomotive[J]. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2022, 236(10): 1198-1209.

[7] 崔涛,孙建锋. 一种基于峰值技术的铁道车辆晃车评判方法. 机车电传动, 2022(01): 53-58.


[1] Jianfeng Sun, Enrico Meli, Wubin Cai, Hongxing Gao, Maoru Chi, Andrea Rindi, Shulin Liang. A signal analysis based hunting instability detection methodology for high-speed railway vehicles[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 59(10): 1461-1483.

[2] Jianfeng Sun, Maoru Chi, Wubin Cai, Hongxing Gao, Shulin Liang. An investigation into evaluation methods for ride comfort of railway vehicles in the case of carbody hunting instability[J]. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2021, 235(5): 586-597.

[3] Jianfeng Sun, Maoru Chi, Xuesong Jin, Shulin Liang, Jianfeng Wang, Wei Li. Experimental and numerical study on carbody hunting of electric locomotive induced by low wheel–rail contact conicity[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 59(2): 203-223.

[4] Wubin Cai, Maoru Chi, Xingwen Wu, Jianfeng Sun, Yabo Zhou, Zefeng Wen, Shulin Liang. A long-term tracking test of high-speed train with wheel polygonal wear[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 59(11): 1735-1758.

[5] 周亚波,池茂儒,蔡吴斌,孙建锋,肖新标. 铁道车辆异常振动噪声的原因分析. 机械工程学报, 2021, 57(04): 148-155.


[1] Liangcheng Dai, Maoru Chi, Hongxin Gao, Jianfeng Sun. An Investigation into the Modeling Methodology of the Coil Spring[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2020: 2020.

[2] 龚继军,孙建锋,王军平,钟浩,胥夕明,谭皓尹. 成贵客专动车组异常抖动原因分析及治理. 中国铁路, 2020(02): 70-75.

[3] 陈经纬,崔涛,孙建锋,王蔚. 基于高速列车异常晃动的钢轨廓形打磨管理. 机车电传动, 2020(05): 128-131.


[1] Jianfeng Sun, Maoru Chi, Wubin Cai, Xuesong Jin. Numerical Investigation into the Critical Speed and Frequency of the Hunting Motion in Railway Vehicle System[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019: 2019.

[2] 池茂儒,蔡吴斌,梁树林,李奕潇,孙建锋,金学松,何翔. 高速铁路钢轨打磨偏差对车辆动力学性能的影响. 中国机械工程, 2019, 30(3): 261-265.


[1] 孙建锋,池茂儒,吴兴文,梁树林,李伟. 基于能量法的轮对蛇行运动稳定性. 交通运输工程学报, 2018, 18(02): 82-89.

[2] 孙建锋,池茂儒,吴兴文,周橙,龚继军. 抗蛇行减振器参数对车辆稳定性的影响分析. 振动、测试与诊断, 2018, 38(06): 1155-1160.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 轨道车辆系统动力学
  • 故障诊断和减振技术
  • 列车流固耦合动力学
  • 运动稳定性和非线性动力学