

  • 教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
  • 性别 : 男
  • 毕业院校 : 复旦大学
  • 学历 : 博士研究生毕业
  • 学位 : 博士学位
  • 在职信息 : 在岗
  • 所在单位 : 物理与电子信息工程学院
  • 入职时间 : 2004-07-01
  • 办公地点 : 校内科技楼(29幢)418室(靠西边)
  • 联系方式 : 通讯地址:浙江省金华市迎宾大道688号浙江师范大学数理信息学院 邮编:321004 Email:huangshihua@zjnu.cn 联系电话:0579-82298266(办公室),82298856(实验室)
  • Email : huangshihua@zjnu.cn

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其他学术和社会兼职:浙江省物理学会常务理事、Chinese Journal of Materials Science编委、浙江省材料物理本科教学指导委员会委员




1.     高效晶硅太阳能电池制备与测试虚拟仿真实验(202102481013),教育部产学合作协同育人项目,黄仕华,2021

2.     昭朔光电-中东及非洲地区便携式高效率太阳能发电装置革新者,2020年第十二届挑战杯中国大学生创业计划竞赛金奖,指导教师

3.     材料专业产学合作协同育人平台建设,浙江省产学合作协同育人项目,黄仕华,2020

4.     高效晶硅体硅太阳能电池制造工艺与光电特性虚拟仿真实验,浙江省“十三五”高校虚拟仿真实验教学项目,黄仕华,2019

5.     科教融合理念下省属师大理工科创新型人才培养的探索与实践,浙江省教学成果奖二等奖,陈杰诚、陈中育、李盛、杨敏波、韩建民、郦炬、黄仕华、张长江、吴建斌、李慧秋,2016年;

6.     以学生实验促物理职前教师专业发展的实践研究,浙江师范大学教学成果二等奖,黄仕华、郑圆成、黄晓,2015年;

7.     PACK框架下大学物理实验教学模式的改革与实践,浙江省课堂教改项目,2015年;

8.     《半导体物理》校级精品在线课程,校级教改项目,2015年;

9.     太阳能电池性能模拟仿真实验,校级重点教改项目,2014年;

10.  大学生创新能力培养的多维实践平台的构建与运作模式探索—以我校物理、电工电子和计算机3个省级实验教学示范中心为例,校级重点教改项目,2013年;

11.        探索"知识、技术、技能”自适应式的半导体课程群教学模式,校级重点教改项目,2010年。



l  晶体硅太阳能电池

l  钙钛矿薄膜太阳能电池


【1】     高效钝化接触硅太阳能电池表面及界面关键科学技术问题研究(2021C01006),浙江省重点研发计划,740万,2021.01-2024.11

【2】     高效晶体硅太阳能电池的表面与界面钝化技术的研发,横店集团东磁股份有限公司委托项目(KYH06Y20331),24万,2020.10-2021.12

【3】     用于GaN基新型图形化复合衬底的高精度大尺寸蓝宝石衬底开发(2021C01006),金华市重大科技计划项目,10万,2021.01-2023.12,参与单位负责人

【4】     绒面晶硅衬底上钙钛矿薄膜生长规律研究(2018YFB1500102-3),国家重点研发计划子课题,23.5万,2019.04-2022.03

【5】     高效太阳能电池制备及产业化—高效单晶PERC/PERL技术产业化及光伏发电示范应用(2018C01035),浙江省重点研发计划项目,2017.07-2020.0660万,参与单位负责人

【6】     高效钙钛矿/晶体硅异质结叠层太阳能电池研发(HXKJ2018125),横店集团东磁股份有限公司委托项目,36万,2018.7-2020.3

【7】     过渡金属氧化物/晶体硅太阳能异质结电池研究(LY17F040001, 浙江省自然科学基金,8万,2017.01-2019.12

【8】     新型高效晶体硅异质结太阳能电池的研发(KJH2016115),横店集团东磁股份有限公司委托项目,15万,2016.9-2018.8

【9】     微晶硅氧掺杂层对改善非晶硅/微晶硅叠层薄膜太阳能电池性能研究(M201503,红外物理国家重点实验室开放课题,5万,2015.07-2017.06

【10】  微晶氧化硅/晶体硅异质结太阳能电池的研究(KF2015_02),复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室,10万,2015.07-2017.06

【11】  低成本和高效率的多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池的研究(61076055),国家自然科学基金项目,40万,2011.1-2013.12

【12】  低成本冶金法太阳能级多晶硅产业化技术的研发(NBYX2010-DJG),与宁波市运鑫多晶硅有限公司,3万,2010.1-2014.12

【13】  玻璃衬底多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池的制备技术研究(2009-1-141),金华市科技计划项目,5万,2009.1-2011.12

【14】  硅量子点太阳能电池的掺杂和载流子输运研究(KL2011_04),复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室开放课题,10万,2011.9-2013.8

【15】  硅量子阱太阳能电池的研究(FDS2008-B08,复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室开放课题,10万,2008.12009.12

【16】  利用丝网印刷技术制备大面积染料敏化太阳能电池的实验研究与开发(KJ20080207),校横向开发课题,8万,2008.1-2008.12

【17】  新型锗硅量子阱红外探测器的研制(Y404363),浙江省自然科学基金,2万,2005.1-2006.12


【1】     黄仕华,康桥,丁月珂,李林华,一种单晶硅钝化结构及其制备方法,ZL 2020 1 1229632.7

【2】     黄仕华、李林华、康桥,基于局部纳米针孔接触的硅太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL 2021 1 0425036.4

【3】     黄仕华、李林华、林娜,一种针孔尺寸及密度可控的氧化硅钝化接触硅太阳能电池,ZL 2021 1 0425023.7

【4】     黄仕华、章磊、池丹、康桥、李林华,对苯基二甲基碘化铵钝化的锡铅混合钙钛矿电池的制备方法,ZL 2020 1 1097083.2

【5】     黄仕华、金日升、李兴达、李林华,有机无机杂化纳米薄膜阻变存储器的制备方法,ZL 2019 1 1106083.1

【6】     黄仕华、周理想、陈达、丁月珂、芮哲,一种低成本去除冶金硅中杂质硼的方法,ZL 2019 1 0614564.7

【7】     黄仕华,张美影,陈达,一种溶液法制备晶体硅太阳能电池的工艺,ZL 2019 1 0614954.4

【8】     黄仕华,陈达,一种低温下具有阈值电阻转变功能的材料及其制备方法,ZL 2017 1 0903676.5

【9】     黄仕华、周理想、陆肖励、陈达,砷和氟共掺杂氧化锡位置敏感探测器的制备方法,ZL 2018 1 1612905.9

【10】  黄仕华、周理想、池丹、陆肖励,一种背面钝化的晶体硅太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL 2018 1 0895722.6

【11】  黄仕华、陈达,一种新型阻变存储器及其制造方法,ZL 2017 1 0903360.6

【12】  黄仕华,一种纳米晶硅薄膜太阳能电池的制备方法,ZL 2017 1 0006430.8

【13】  黄仕华、陈达,具有稳定阈值电阻转变特性的材料以及动态随机存储器件,ZL2016 1 0325231.9

【14】  黄仕华,陈达,一种碳化硅薄膜及阻变存储器,ZL 2016 1 0325908.9

【15】  黄仕华,陈达,一种用于制备多晶硅锭的坩埚及多晶硅锭的生长方法,ZL 2014 1 0276658.5

【16】  黄仕华,李兴达,一种太阳能电池封装用稀土离子掺杂EVA胶膜的制备,ZL 2013 1 0159459.1



【1】     黄仕华、方亮,高效晶体硅太阳能电池制造工艺与光电特性虚拟仿真实验软件,软件著作权,软著登字第6335102



【1】     He Wei, Yuheng Zeng, Jingming Zheng, Zhenhai Yang*, Mingdun Liao, Shihua Huang*, Baojie Yan, Jichun Ye*, Unraveling the passivation mechanisms of c-Si/SiOx/poly-Si contacts, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 250, 112047 (2023)

【2】     Muhammad Mateen, Hongxi Shi, Hao Huang, Ziyu Li, Waseem Ahmad, Muhammad Rafiq, Usman Ali Shah , Sajid Sajid , Yingke Ren, Jongee Park , Dan Chi* , Zhangbo Lu, Shihua Huang*, Graded 2D/3D Perovskite Hetero-Structured Films with Suppressed Interfacial Recombination for Efficient and Stable Solar Cells via DABr Treatment, Molecules 28, 1592 (2023)

【3】     赵徐禛、张嘉华、康桥、黄仕华*,四甲基胍单晶硅片湿法制绒工艺研究,太阳能 339, 68 (2022)

【4】     Hongxi Shi, Lei Zhang, Hao Huang, Xiaoting Wang, Ziyu Li, Dazhi Xuan, Chenyu Wang, Yali Ou, Chaojie Ni, Denggao Li, Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang*, Simultaneous Interfacial Modification and Defect Passivation for Wide-Bandgap Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with 14.4% Power Conversion Efficiency and 38% Average Visible Transmittance, Small 2202144 (2022)

【5】     Hongxi Shi, Lei Zhang, Hao Huang, Yali Ou, Xiaoting Wang, Ziyu Li, Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang*, Additive Engineering for High-Performance Two-Dimensional Dion–Jacobson Pb–Sn Alloyed Perovskite Solar Cells, Energy Technology 2200983 (2022)

【6】     Jinyu Wu, Lei Zhang, Qiao Kang, Hongxi Shi, Long Li, Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang*, Gang He, A Modified Sequential Deposition Route for High-Performance Carbon-Based Perovskite Solar Cells under Atmosphere Condition, Molecules 27, 481 (2022)

【7】     Lei Zhang, Qiao Kang, Hongxi Shi, Jianhe Hong, Yanping Song, Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang*, Gang He*. Surface Defect Passivation of Pb–Sn-Alloyed Perovskite Film by 1,3-Propanediammonium Iodide toward High-Performance Photovoltaic Devices, Solar RRL 5, 2100299 (2021).

【8】     Shihua Huang*, Yueke Ding, Lixiang Zhou, Keli Shi*, Dan Chi, Daxin Bao, Yue He, Simulation of Silicon Solar Cells with Passivation Contact of Tunnel Oxide Layer, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 57, 607 (2021)

【9】     张嘉华,周理想,丁月珂,黄仕华*,氧化硅及多晶硅对TOPCon 太阳能电池性能的影响,浙江师范大学学报( 自然科学版)44, 148 (2021)

【10】  丁月珂,黄仕华*,氢化非晶硅叠层薄膜对单晶硅表面钝化研究,光子学报50, 0331001 (2021)

【11】  张嘉华、康 桥、黄仕华*,十二烷基苯磺酸钠与聚乙烯吡咯烷酮复配表面活性剂对单晶硅制绒的影响,人工晶体学报50, 1096 (2021)

【12】  Keli Shi*, Risheng Jin, Shihua Huang*, Hongwei Lei, Pei Dai, Dan Chi, Weifeng Zhang*, Gui Yu*, Pentacene/non-fullerene acceptor heterojunction type phototransistors for broadened spectral photoresponsivity and ultralow level light detection, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 322 (2021)

【13】  Lei Zhang, Qiao Kang, Yanping Song, Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang*, Gang He*, Grain boundary passivation with Dion-Jacobson phase perovskites for high-performance Pb-Sn mixed narrow-bandgap perovskite solar cells, Solar RRL, 5, 2000681 (2021)

【14】  Risheng Jin, Jin Wang, Keli Shi*, Beibei Qiu, Lanchao Ma, Shihua Huang*, Zhengquan Li*, Multilevel storage and photoinduced-reset memory by an inorganic perovskite quantum-dot/polystyrene floating-gate organic transistor, RSC Advances, 10, 43225 (2020)

【15】  Shaiqiang MU, Qiufeng YE, Xingwang ZHANG, Shihua HUANG*, Jingbi YOU*, Polymer hole-transport material improving thermal stability of inorganic perovskite solar cells, Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 13, 265 (2020)

【16】  Meiying Zhang, Fengmin Wu, Dan Ch*, Keli Shi*, Shihua Huang*, High-efficiency perovskite solar cells with poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-doped SnO2 as an electron transport layer, Materials Advances, 1, 617 (2020)

【17】  Meiying Zhang, Dan Chi, Junfeng Wang, Fengmin Wu, Shihua Huang*, Improved performance of lead-tin mixed perovskite solar cells with PEDOT:PSS treated by hydroquinone, Solar Energy, 201, 589 (2020)

【18】  黄仕华,王梦双,王朗,郭君路,一种简易的铝空气电池制作及其性能探究,浙江师范大学学报( 自然科学版)43, 1582020

【19】  Zhe Rui, Yuheng Zeng, Xueqi Guo, Qing Yang, Zhixue Wang, Chunhui Shou, Waner Ding, Jie Yang, Xinyu Zhang, Qi Wang, Hao Jin, Mingdun Liao, Shihua Huang*, Baojie Yan*, Jichun Ye*, On the passivation mechanism of poly-silicon and thin silicon oxide on crystal silicon wafers, Solar Energy 194, 18 (2019)

【20】  Yuqing Huang, Yuheng Zeng, Zhi Zhang, Xueqi Guo, Mingdun Liao, Chunhui Shou, Shihua Huang*, Baojie Yan*, Jichun Ye*, UV-Raman scattering of thin film Si with ultrathin silicon oxide tunnel contact for high efficiency crystal silicon solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 192, 154 (2019)

【21】  Shihua Huang*, Zhe Rui, Dan Chi, Daxin Bao, Influence of defect states on the performances of planar tin halide perovskite solar cells, Journal of Semiconductors, 40, 032201 (2019)

【22】  Yuqing Huang, Jian Liu, Jia Wang, Daxin Bao, Shihua Huang*, Preparation and crystallization characteristics of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 55, 259 (2019)

【23】  Dan Chi*, Shihua Huang, Meiying Zhang, Shaiqiang Mu, Yang Zhao, Yong Chen, Jingbi You*, Composition and interface engineering for efficient and thermally stable Pb-Sn mixed low-bandgap perovskite solar cells, Advanced Function Material, 28, 1804603 (2018)

【24】  Louis Oppong-Antwi, Shihua Huang*, and Dan Chi, Effect of contact work function, interface defect state and interface fixed charge on the performance of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cell, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 15, 1 (2018)

【25】  Jiahua Zhang, Da Chen, and Shihua Huang*, Influence of oxygen doping on resistive-switching characteristic of a-Si/c-Si device, Journal of Semiconductors, 38, 122003 (2017)

【26】  Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, Lü He, Effect of oxygen concentration on resistive switching behavior in silicon oxynitride film, Journal of Semiconductors, 38, 043002 (2017)

【27】  Jiahua Zhang, Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, The role of oxygen vacancies in resistive switching behavior of organic-TiO2 hybrid composite, Applied Physics A, 123, 617 (2017)

【28】  Shihua Huang*, Qiannan Li, Dan Chi, Xiuqing Meng, and Lü He, Simulation approach for optimization of ZnO/c-WSe2 heterojunction solar cells, Journal of Semiconductors, 38, 044008 (2017)

【29】  Louis Oppong-Antwi, Shihua Huang*, Qiannan Li, Dan Chi, Xiuqing Meng, Lv He, Influence of defect states and fixed charges located at the a-Si:H/c-Si interface on the performance of HIT solar cellsSolar Energy, 141, 222 (2017)

【30】  张若云、黄仕华*、何绿、郝亚非,非晶硅/微晶硅叠层电池的模拟研究,半导体光电37, 482 (2016)

【31】  陈建东、黄仕华*,任意辐照强度和温度下的光伏组件输出特性模拟仿真,激光与光电子学进展53, 022303 (2016)

【32】  Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, Threshold resistance switching in silicon-rich SiOx thin films, Chinese Physics B, 25, 117001 (2016)

【33】  Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, Nitrogen Concentration and Temperature Dependence of Ag/SiN/p+-Si Resistive Switching Structure, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 52, 403 (2016)

【34】  Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, Effect of oxygen-doping concentration on electrical properties of silicon oxycarbide films for memory application, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 15, 035005 (2016)

【35】  Liu Jian, Shihua Huang*, He Lv, Metal-catalyzed growth of In2O3 nanotowers using thermal evaporation and oxidation method, Journal of Semiconductors, 36, 123007 (2015)

【36】  Da Chen, Shihua Huang*, Investigation of resistive switching behavior of Ag/SnOx/ITO device, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 14, 024501 (2015)

【37】  Jian Liu, Shi-hua Huang*, Li-Ping Chen, Lv He, Tin catalyzed silicon nanowires prepared by magnetron sputtering, Materials Letters, 151, 122 (2015)

【38】  Liu Jian, Huang Shihua*, He Lü, Simulation of a high-efficiency silicon-based heterojunction solar cell, Journal of Semiconductors, 36, 044010-1 (2015)

【39】  Huang Shihua*, Jian Liu, Structural and electrical characterization of annealed Si1-xCx/SiC thin film prepared by magnetron sputtering, Chinese Physics B, 23, 058105 (2014)

【40】  Jing Dong, Huang Shihua*, Effects of O2/Ar Ratio and Growth Temperature on Resistive Switching Characteristics of Al/HfOx/ITO Memory Devices, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 13, 594 (2014)

【41】  Cheng Peihong, Huang Shihua*, Lu Fang, Charge storage characteristics of Ni nanocrystals formed by synchronous crystallization, Journal of Semiconductors, 35, 103002-1 (2014)

【42】  Jing Dong, Huang Shihua*, Low reflective surface texturing for large area multicrystalline silicon using NaOH–NaClO solution, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 50, 28 (2014)

【43】  Huang Shihua*, Jian Liu, Wei-ke Jing, Fang Lu, Gu-jin Hu, Fabrication and electrical properties of polycrystalline Si films on glass substrates, Materials Research Bulletin, 49, 71 (2014)

【44】  董晶,沈佳露,刘剑,黄仕华*PECVD法制备氢化非晶硅p-i-n多层薄膜,浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)37, 121 (2014)

【45】  顾静琰,黄仕华*,在碱液环境下电化学腐蚀多晶硅的研究,半导体光电34, 1005 (2013)

【46】  Huang Shihua*, Effects of Eu3+ and Er3+ doping on photoelectrical performance of dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96, 3108 (2013)

【47】  Huang Shihua*, Oxygen annealing effects on transport and charging characteristics of Al-Ta2O5/SiOxNy-Si structure, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 60, 2741 (2013)

【48】  Huang Shi-Hua*, Cheng Pei-Hong, Chen Yong-Yue, Effects of O2/Ar ratio and annealing temperature on electrical properties of Ta2O5 film prepared by magnetron sputtering, Chinese Physics B 22, 027701 (2013)

【49】  Hu Bo, Huang Shi-Hua*, Wu Feng-Min, Modeling of tunneling current in ultrathin MOS structure with interface trap charge and fixed oxide charge, Chinese Physics B, 22, 017301 (2013)

【50】  井维科,张跃,黄仕华*,杂质对一维单原子链中晶格振动的影响,半导体光电34,820 (2013)

【51】  周朝健,黄仕华*,两种液体混合体积减小的研究,物理通报12, 2013 (101)

【52】  时利涛,黄仕华*Si衬底上采用溅射Fe/Si纳米多层结构制备β-FeSi2薄膜,半导体光电33, 846 (2012)

【53】  黄仕华*,陈焕,镶嵌在介质层中纳米晶的单电子能级的精确求解,材料导报26, 147 (2012)

【54】  黄仕华*,沈艳婷,NaOH-NaClO腐蚀液制备太阳电池用多晶硅绒面的研究,半导体光电33, 65 (2012)

【55】  Bo Hu, Shi-Hua Huang*, Feng-Min Wu, Temperature Dependence of Si–SiO2 Barrier Height and Tunneling Current in Ultrathin MOS Structure, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9, 918 (2012)

【56】  Pei-Hong Cheng, Shi-Hua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, Study of memory performance and electrical characteristics for metal nanocrystal memories, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 11, 164 (2012)

【57】  Pei-Hong Cheng, Shi-Hua Huang*, Feng-Min Wu, Simulation of Program/Erase and Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Metal Nanocrystal Memory, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8, 2013 (2011)

【58】  Li-Wei Wang, Yong-Ming Luo, Shi-Hua Huang*, Fabrication and optimization of dye-sensitized solar, 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE), P23-27

【59】  王蓓,黄仕华*,金属纳米晶存储器存储特性的模拟,纳米技术1, 49 (2011)

【60】  黄树繁,王丽伟,应雪情,黄仕华*,染料敏化太阳能电池的TiO2光电极的制备及优化,功能材料42, 655 (2011)

【61】  胡波, 黄仕华*, 半导体超晶格高频放大效应的研究, 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)34, 9 (2011)

【62】  陈勇跃,程佩红,黄仕华*, Ta2O5k介电薄膜的制备及其电学性质的研究, 半导体技术36, 425 (2011)

【63】  王丽伟,吴功伟,黄仕华*,染料敏化太阳电池的光阳极制备及其性能优化,半导体光电32, 200 (2011)

【64】  王丽伟,骆泳铭,黄仕华*TiO2薄膜的优化及其对染料敏化太阳能电池性能的影响科学通报56, 1354 (2011)

【65】  Hong Xiao, Shihua Huang*, Frequency and voltage dependency of interface states and series resistance in Al/SiO2/p-Si MOS structure, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 13, 395 (2010)

【66】  Shihua Huang*, Yongyue Chen, Hong Xiao, Fang Lu, Characterization of Sn and Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix fabricated by magnetron co-sputtering, Surface & Coatings Technology 205, 2247 (2010)

【67】  Zhou Xia, Shihua Huang*, Structure and property of magnetron sputtered ternary cobalt–nickel silicide films, Microelectronic Engineering, 87, 1828 (2010)

【68】  Zhou Xia, Shihua Huang*, Structural and photoluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiC matrix prepared by magnetron sputtering, Solid State Communications, 150, 914 (2010)

【69】  Shihua Huang*, Analysis of Photocurrent Spectra of SiGe/Si Quantum-Well Solar Cell, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9, 142 (2010)

【70】  骆泳铭,黄仕华*,染料敏化太阳能电池的制作,材料导报24, 333 (2010)

【71】  Shihua Huang*, and Yan Ling, Photoluminescence of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots excited by ultraintensive femtosecond laser, Journal of Applied Physics, 160, 103522 (2009)

【72】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, and Bo Hu, Formula for the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves, Physical Review E 79, 047601 (2009)

【73】  Shihua Huang*, Zhou Xia, Hong Xiao, Jufang Zheng, Yunlong Xie, Guanqun Xie, Structure and property of Ge/Si nanomultilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering, Surface & Coatings Technology, 204, 558 (2009)

【74】  Hong Xiao, Shihua Huang*, Jufang Zheng, Guanqun Xie, Yunlong Xie, Optical characteristics of Si/SiO2 multilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering, Microelectronic Engineering, 86, 2342 (2009)

【75】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, Comment on “Field structure and electron acceleration in a laser beam of a high-order Hermite–Gaussian mode” [J. Appl. Phys. 101, 083113, (2007)], Journal of Applied Physics 105, 026101 (2009)

【76】  Shihua Huang*, Hong Xiao, Sha Shou, Annealing temperature dependence of Raman scattering in Si/SiO2 superlattice prepared by magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 255, 4547 (2009)

【77】  娄志再、黄仕华*,用荧光技术检测蔬菜中的残留农药,激光生物学报6, 807 (2008)

【78】  黄仕华*、吴锋民,外加静电场的聚焦激光脉冲真空加速电子方案,物理学报577680 (2008)

【79】  寿莎、黄仕华*Si/SiO2超晶格晶化特性影响因素分析,材料导报:纳米与新材料专辑2, 58 (2008)

【80】  王建波、黄仕华*、郑建龙、李炜,与方波合成有关的李萨如图形的实验与理论研究,物理实验28, 42 (2008)

【81】  Shihua Huang*, Femtosecond first-order autocorrelation measurement based one-photon induced photocurrent in Si Schottky diodes, Optics & Laser Technology401051 (2008)

【82】  程佩红、黄仕华,Ge/Si量子阱结构的C-V特性的模拟,半导体学报 29110 (2008)

【83】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, Xianghao Zhao, Electron acceleration by a focused laser pulse in a static magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 123107 (2007)

【84】  黄仕华*,短暂时间间隔测量及飞秒技术,光学技术(增刊)3326 (2007)

【85】  黄仕华*、徐晶晶,二维三角离子晶体马德隆常数的计算,浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)30282 (2007)

【86】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, Comment on “Electron acceleration by an intense short pulse laser in a static magnetic field in vacuum” , Physical Review E 74, 068401 (2006)

【87】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, Study of the inhomogeneity of Schottky barrier height in nickel silicide by the internal photoemission spectroscopy, Modern Physics Letters B 20, 1825 (2006)

【88】  黄仕华,锗硅量子阱结构带间吸收边研究,光子学报 351676 (2006)

【89】  Shihua Huang*, The study of optical characteristic of ZnSe nanocrystal, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 84, 323 (2006)

【90】  Shihua Huang*, A study of ultrafast carrier dynamics in laser-crystallized microcrystalline SiGe at highly excited density using time-resolved reflectivity measurement, Semiconductor Science and Technology 21, 729 (2006)

【91】  Shihua Huang*, Fang Lu, Investigation on the barrier height and inhomogeneity of nickel silicide Schottky, Applied Surface Science 252, 4027 (2006)

【92】  黄仕华*,陆昉,ZnSe纳米晶材料的超快吸收谱,半导体学报, 27, 717 (2006)

【93】  Shihua Huang*, Fengmin Wu, and Ji Lin, Photocurrent absorption spectroscopic study of Si0.6Ge0.4/Si quantum wells, International Journal of Modern Physics B 20, 133 (2006)

【94】  Shihua Huang, Hao Zhou, Zuiming Jiang and Fang Lu, The study of ultrafast phase dynamics of carriers in Ge quantum dots by photocurrent correlation phase spectroscopy, Nanotechnology 16, 53 (2005)

【95】  黄仕华,李汐,凌严,陆昉,半导体中超快过程的研究,红外与毫米波学报 24, 179 (2005)

【96】  Shihua Huang, Yun Tian and Fang Lu, Investigation on the barrier height and phase transformation of nickel silicide Schottky contact, Applied Surface Science 234, 362 (2004)

【97】  Shihua Huang, Xi Li and Fang Lu, Study of the photoexcited carrier dynamics in InP:Fe using time-resolved reflection and photoluminescence spectra, Applied Surface Science 230, 158 (2004)

【98】  X.Y. Ma, Sh. H. Huang, Y. Chen and F. Lu, Investigation the quantum confined effects in Ge dot embeded in Si by electrical measurements, Applied Surface Science 225, 281 (2004)

【99】  S H Huang, X Y Ma, X J Wang and F Lu, Optical characteristics of laser-crystallized Si1-xGex nanocrystals, Nanotechnology 14, 25 (2003)

【100】   S. H. Huang, H. Zhou, Z.M. Jiang and F. Lu, Electric field dependence of photocurrent absorption in GeSi/Si quantum wells, Microelctronic Engineering 66, 136 (2003)

【101】   Hao Zhou, Shihua Huang, Yin Rao, Zuimin Jiang and Fang Lu, Quantum levels in Ge quantum dots studied by photocurrent spectroscopy and admittance spectroscopy, Solid State Communication 125, 161 (2003)

【102】   黄仕华、莫玉东,HgCd1-xTex的共振拉曼散射,物理学报 50, 964 (2001)

【103】   黄仕华、夏成杰、黄守江、张鹏翔,用拉曼散射研究碲镉汞中的缺陷,光谱学与光谱分析 21, 492 (2001)

【104】   黄仕华、蔡毅、钱晓凡、陈永安,用椭圆偏振测量法分析碲镉汞的组分及其均匀性,半导体光电 22, 224 (2001)

【105】   黄仕华、何景福、陈建才、雷春红,碲镉汞的液相外延生长,半导体学报 22, 613 (2001)

【106】   黄仕华、黄守江、雷春红、张鹏翔,HgCd1-xTex的拉曼散射,红外技术 22, 39 (2000)

【107】   黄仕华、夏成杰、贾友见、孟清兰,用微波反射法测HgCdTe中少数载流子的寿命,半导体光电 21, 254 (2000)

【108】   黄仕华,退火温度下HgHgCdTe中的扩散,光电子技术 19, 178 (1999)





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