
基本信息Personal Information


性别 : 男

毕业院校 : 复旦大学

学历 : 博士研究生毕业

学位 : 博士学位

在职信息 : 在岗

所在单位 : 物理与电子信息工程学院

入职时间 : 2015年01月01日

办公地点 : 21-L-5-9

联系方式 : 15268623217

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个人简介Personal Profile

唐长兵,男,浙江兰溪人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。入选“浙江省院士结对青年英才计划”、“浙江师范大学首届学术名师培育计划”,IEEE senor Member、CCF会员,中国指挥与控制学会会员,自动化与控制专业委员会委员、中国复杂网络专业委员会委员、浙江省区块链技术应用协会-首批智库专家。2015年1月毕业于复旦大学信息科学与工程学院,获博士学位。 2015年1月进入浙江师范大学数理与信息学院工作,2018年2月-2019年2月赴澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学智能电网优化与控制实验室进行学术访问和交流。


方向1:博弈论与优化控制 (面向数学专业)

方向2:智能电网优化与智能计算 (面向计算机、电子信息专业)

方向3:无人系统与强化学习 (面向数学、计算机、电子信息专业)




[32]L. X. Zhou, C. B. Tang*, Z. Bao, Y. Liu, X. H. Yu. A reputation-based blockchain scheme for sustained carbon emission reduction. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11432-023-3967-0, accepted. (CCF-A类期刊)

[31]B. S. Yang, C. B. Tang*, Y. Liu, G. H. Wen, G. R. Chen. A reinforcement learning based strategy via linear programming model in incomplete information games. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2024, accepted. (SCI一区top期刊,自动化领域顶刊)

[30] C. B. Tang, B. S. Yang, X. D. Xie, G. R. Chen, M. Al-qaness, and Y. Liu. An incentive mechanism for federated learning: A continuous zero-determinant strategy approach. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2024, 11(1), 1-15. (国内自动化领域顶刊,SCI一区top期刊)

[29] C. B. Tang, Z. Bao, X. S. Cai, F. L. Lin, Z. Zhang, and G. R. Chen. A Game-enabled Blockchain Consensus and Incentive Mechanism for Secure and Efficient Mobile Crowdsensing. IEEE Systems Journal. 2023, 10.1109/JSYST.2023.3333399. (SCI二区期刊)

[28] Z. Bao, C. B. Tang*, X. D. Xie, G. R. Chen, F. L. Lin, and Z. L. Zheng. Towards Green and Efficient Blockchain for Energy Trading: A Non-cooperative Game Approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(22): 20021 - 20032. (SCI一区top期刊)

[27] J. Chen, K. Y. Luo, C. B. Tang*, Z. Zhang, and X. Li. Optimizing Polynomial-time Solutions to Network Weighted Vertex Cover Game. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2023, 10(2): 512-523. (国内自动化领域顶刊,SCI一区top期刊)

[26] Z. Bao, C. B. Tang*, F. L. Lin, Z. L. Zheng, and X. H. Yu. Rating-protocol Optimization for Blockchain-enabled Hybrid Energy Trading in Smart Grids. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2023, 66(159205): 1-2. (国内权威期刊, CCF-A类期刊)

[25]    X. H. Yu, C. B. Tang, P. Palensky, and A. W. Colombo. Blockchain: What Does It Mean to Industrial Electronics?  IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2021.3066332. (工业电子领域顶刊,SCI一区top期刊)

[24]F. L. Lin, S. N. Xia, J. H. Qi, C. B. Tang*Z. L. Zheng, and X. H. Yu. A Parking Sharing Network over Blockchain with Proof-of-Planned-Behavior Consensus Protocol. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(8): 8124-8136. (车联网领域顶刊,SCI二区)

[23]Jianfeng Lu, Yun Xin, Zhao Zhang, Shaojie Tang, Changbing Tang, Shaohua WangExtortion and Cooperation in  Rating Protocol Design for Competitive Crowdsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2020.2964284. 

[22] Z.L.Hu, L. Wang, C. B. Tang*Locating the source node of diffusion process in cyber-physical networks via minimum observers, Chaos, Chaos 29, 063117 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5092772(SCI二区, IF=2.643,入选Chaos 期刊Scilight热点封面文章)

[21] C. B. Tang, X. Li, M.W. Cao, Z. Zhang and X. H. Yu,  Incentive mchanism for macrotasking crowdsourcing: a zero-determinant strategy approachIEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2921348(SCI一区top, IF=9.515)

[20] C. B. Tang, C.J. Li, X. H. Yu,  Z.L. Zheng and Z.Y. Chen,  Cooperative Mining in Blockchain Networks With Zero-determinant StrategiesIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2915253 (SCI一区top, IF=10.387)

[19] C. B. Tang, L. Y. Wu, G. H. Wen and Z.L. Zheng, Incentivizing honest mining in blockchain networks: a reputation approach, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2019.2901746, 2019. (SCI 三区,IF=2.88)

[18]Y. Wang, C. B.  Tang*, F. L. Lin, Z. L. Zheng and Z. Y. Chen, Pool strategies selection in PoW-based blockchain networks: game-theoretic analysis, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2890391, 2019. (SCI 二区,IF=3.557)

[17] C. B. Tang, Y. Zhang, L, Wang and Z. Zhang, What can AI learn from bionic algorithms? Physics of Life Reviews, doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2018.05.002, 2019. (SCI一区top, IF=13.783)

[16] C. B. Tang, A. Li and X. Li, Asymmetric Game: A Silver Bullet to Weighted Vertex Cover of Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 4810),2994-30052018. (SCI一区top, IF=10.387)

[15] Z. L. Hu, Z. S. Shen, C. B. Tang, Localization of diffusion sources in complex networks with sparse observations, Physics Letters A, 382, pp. 931-937, 2018. (SCI 三区,IF=1.308)

[14] C. B. Tang, X. Li, Z. Wang, and J. M. Han, Game Optimization for the Unreliable Wireless Cooperation with Indirect Reciprocity, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 60 110205:1–110205:17, November 2017. (国内权威期刊, IF=2.188)

[13] C. B. Tang, Z. Yang, Z.L. Zheng, Z.Y. Chen, X. Li, Game dilemma analysis and optimization of PoW consensus algorithm, 自动化学报, 43(9), 2017.(国内一级期刊)

[12] Z. L. Zheng, J. S. Zhang, S. H. Zhu, C. B. Tang, CUPID: consistent unlabeled probability of identical distribution for image classification, Knowledge-Based Systems, 137, 115-122, 2017. SCI二区, IF=4.396

[11] J. F. Lu, C. B. Tang, X. Li and Q. Wu, Designing Socially-Optimal Rating Protocols for Crowdsourcing Contest Dilemma, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 12(6), 1330-1344, 2017.SCI二区, CCF-A类期刊, IF=5.824

[10] C. B. Tang, A. Li, and X, Li, When reputation enforces evolutionary cooperation in unreliable MANETs, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(10), 2190-2201, 2015. (SCI一区top, IF=10.387)

[9] C. B. Tang, B. Wu, J.B. Wang, X. Li, Evolutionary Origin of Asymptotically Stable Consensus, Scientific Reports, 4, 4590, 2014. Nature 旗下子刊,SCI二区, IF=4.122

[8] C. B. Tang, Z. Wang, X, Li, Moderate intra-group bias maximizes cooperation on interdependent populations, PLoS ONE, 9(2), e88412, 2014. SCI二区, IF=2.766

[7] C. B. Tang, Y. Wang, X. Li, and Y. Yang, Towards the role of social connectivity and aspiration level on evolutionary game, European physical journal B, 86(1), 1-6, 2013. SCI 三区,IF=1.536

[6] C. B. Tang, X. Li, L. Cao, and J. Y. Zhan, The sigma law of evolutionary dynamics in community-structured population, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 306, 1-6, 2012. SCI 三区, IF=1.833

[5] C. B. Tang, F. Y. Chen, J. B. Wang, and X. Li, Extending Local Passivity Theory and Hopf Bifurcation at the Edge of Chaos in Oregonator CNN, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22(11), 1250285, 2012. SCI二区,IF=1.501

[4] C. B. Tang, X. Li, Stability of Evolutionary Strategies in Finite Populations, 电子科技大学学报, 41(6), 821-89, 2012. (国内一级期刊)

[3] C. B. Tang, F. Y. Chen, and X. Li, Perceptron implementation of triple-valued logic operations, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, 58(9), 590-594, 2011. SCI三区, IF=2.88

[2] C. B. Tang, K. J. Zeng, and F. F. Y. Chen, Period-doubling and Scroll-doubling Bifurcations in a class of Non-symmetric Cellular Neural NetworksInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 3431–3437, 2008. (SCI二区, IF=1.501)

[1] C. B. Tang, J. B. Guan, and S. W. Shen, Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a differential delay systemJournal of Biomathematics, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 620-628, 2007. (国内一级期刊)



9. 区块链环境下移动群智感知的博弈建模、激励和共识研究浙江省自然科学基金重点项目,2024-2026,主持.

8. 复杂网络上数据传输博弈的合作性优化与控制研究国家自然科学基金青年项目2016-2018,主持.

7. 异构无人智能集群系统的协同理论与方法国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题2018-2020,主持.

6.      智慧城市中协作通信网络数据传输的合作性优化,浙江省自然科学基金面上项目2016-2018,主持.

5.     基于分解技术的LBS隐私保护方法研究国家自然科学基金面上项目2017-2020,参与 3/8.

4.    高维非线性系统的优化同伦方法及在微悬臂梁结构中的应用国家自然科学基金面上项目2016-2019     参与 3/7.

3.   移动群智感知中混合激励的博弈融合与优化研究国家自然科学基金面上项目2019-2020,参与 3/8.

2.   复杂网络上基于演化博弈论的疾病动力学建模研究国家自然科学基金青年项目2014-2016,参与 2/8.

1.   区块链物联支付关键技术研发,浙江新恒新信息科技有限公司,横向项目2016-2017,参与,4/11.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 博弈理论及其应用,人工智能,智能电网优化与控制,无人系统与强化学习