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  • Gender:Female
  • Education Level:Graduate student graduate
  • Alma Mater:苏州大学
  • Degree:Doctorate
  • Status:在岗
  • School/Department:数学科学学院
  • Date of Employment:2004-07-01
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姓名黄丹君,女,浙江省温岭(市)人,博士,副教授职称。2012年在苏州大学获得博士学位。2009.10-2009.12 赴香港浸会大学访学,2015.5-2015.8 赴台湾中央研究院数学研究所访学。 主讲课程主讲本科课程:《图论》、《高等数学》主讲研究生课程:学术兴趣及主要研究方向l 长期从事图的染色方面的研究工作,主要研究图的邻点可区别染色、边染色、全染色以及点荫度等。分别在《Journal of Global Optimization》,《Journal of Graph Theory》, 《SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics》,《Discrete Mathematics》, 《Journal of Combinatorial Optimization》,《中国科学:数学》上发表或录用相关论文20余篇。科研项目主持:1. 图的邻点可区别染色问题研究(Y201226078),浙江省教育厅项目,2012.10-2014.10,已结题2. 图的邻点可区别边染色及无圈边染色(LQ13A010009),浙江省自然科学基金青年基金,2013.1-2015.12,已结题3. 图的邻点可区别边染色及相关问题研究(11301486),国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2014.1-2016.12,已结题4. 平面图的选择性问题研究(LY18A010014),浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,2018.1-2020.12,在研 参与:1. 图的无圈染色和存活率研究(11071223), 国家自然科学基金,主持人:王维凡, 2011.1-2013.12,已结题2. 运用权转移方法研究平面图的若干染色问题(11101377), 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持人:陈敏, 2012.1-2014.12,已结题3. 边染色图的单色子图与杂色子图的染色问题(10701065), 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持人:金泽民,2008.1-2010.12,已结题4. 图的列表染色与相关问题研究(11471293),国家自然科学基金,主持人:陈敏,2015.01-2018.12,在研5. 图的几类标号问题(11401035),国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持人:陈东,2015.01-2017.12,已结题6. 图的调和染色与相关边划分问题(11401519),国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持人:高炜,2015.01-2017.12,已结题7. 结构图论与组合优化(11426018),国家自然科学基金,主持人:王维凡,2014.10-2014.11,已结题8. 图的化学指标与相关参数计算(11761083),国家自然科学基金,主持人:高炜,2018.1-2021.12,在研 发表论文和著作1. 黄丹君,卜月华,图的圈带宽和,浙江师范大学自然科学报,28(2005) 246-2492. 黄丹君,卜月华. 图带宽和与其对偶超图带宽和的关系, 高校应用数学学报A辑(中文版). 20(2005) 103-1103. Danjun Huang, Yuehua Bu, The Relationship between BS (H) and BS (G).,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics. 30(2006)55-60.4. Danjun Huang,Weifan Wang and Jianxin Yin, A Note on General Neighbor- Distinguishing Total Coloring of Graphs, Ars Combinatorics, Vol 107, 379-384, 2012. 5. Danjun Huang, Wai Chee Shiu and Weifan Wang, On the Vertex-arboricity of Planar Graphs without 7-Cycles, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 312, 2304-2315, 2012.6. 黄丹君,王维凡, 高度平面图的邻点可区别全染色, 中国科学 A辑, 第42卷, 151-164, 2012. 7. Weifan Wang, Jing Huang, Haina Sun and Danjun Huang, (2,1)-Total Number of Joins of Paths and Cycles, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol 16, 605-619, 2012.8. Danjun Huang and Weifan Wang, Planar graphs of maximum degree six without 7-cycles are class one, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 19, #P17, 2012. 9. Danjun Huang and Weifan Wang, Class I graphs of nonnegative characteristic without special cycles, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, Vol 27, 320-328, 2012.10. Danjun Huang, Weifan Wang and Chengchao Yan, A note on the vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 312, 3544-3546, 2012.11. C.Yan, D.Huang, W.Wang, Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colorings of planar graphs with girth at least four, J. Math. Study, 45(2012) 331-34112. Weifan Wang and Danjun Huang, The adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of planar graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27(2014)379-396.13. Danjun Huang and Weifan Wang, Vertex-arboricity of Planar Graphs without chordal 6-Cycles, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, l90(2013), 258-272.14. Chengchao Yan, Danjun Huang, Dong Chen and Weifan Wang, Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge coloring of planar graphs with girth at least five, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 28(2014)893-909.15. M.Hornak, D.Huang, W.Wang, On neighbor distinguishing index of planar graphs, J. Graph Theory, 76(2014)262-278.16. Danjun Huang, Zhengke Miao, Weifan Wang, Adjacent vertex distinguishing indices of planar graphs without 3-cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 338(2015) 139-148.17. 严丞超,黄丹君,最大度至少为9的平面图的弱邻点可区别边色数,苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版),2(2014) 17-26,40.18. Cheng X H, Wu J L, Huang D J, et al. Neighbor sum distinguishing total colorings of planar graphs with maximum degree D, Discrete Appli. Math. 190-191(2015) 34-41.19. Weifan Wang, Danjun Huang, Yanwen Wang, Yiqiao Wang, Ding-Zhu Du, A polynomial-time nearly-optimal algorithm for an edge coloring problem in outerplanar graphs, Journal of Global Optimization,65(2016)351-367.20. Danjun Huang, Ko-Wei Lih, Weifan Wang, Legally (Δ+2)-coloring bipartite planar graph, COCOA 2015.21. 黄丹君,王维凡,二部平面图的邻点可区别边色数,中国科学A辑, 46(2016) 1207-1226.22. Weifan Wang, Danjun Huang, A characterization on the adjacent vertex distinguishing index of planar graphs with large maximum degree, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 29 (2015), no. 4, 2412–2431.23. 王维凡,王琰雯,黄丹君,外平面图的距离2-点可区别边色数,浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版),39(2016) 1-5.24. 王维凡,裘霞霜,黄丹君,一类定向平面图的存活率,浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版),39(2016)241-245. 获奖情况1.获奖成果,获奖来源,获奖等级,获奖时间,本人排名指导研究生情况1.指导硕士研究生4人

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