
基本信息Personal Information


性别 : 男

毕业院校 : 西南交通大学

学历 : 博士研究生毕业

学位 : 博士学位

在职信息 : 在岗

所在单位 : 工学院

入职时间 : 2020年01月06日

学科 : 交通运输

办公地点 : 31-608

Email :


个人简介Personal Profile

章国鹏,工学博士,硕士生导师。西南交通大学交通运输规划与管理专业博士,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学联合培养博士。研究方向为交通安全分析与评价、交通安全设计、交通冲突技术、交通安全建模、事故致因分析、危险暴露量理论与应用等。主持浙江省自然科学基金项目1项,主研国家自然科学基金项目2项,山西省自然科学基金项目1项。发表学术论文30多篇,其中国际权威的SSCI/SCI期刊论文18篇。担任Journal of Transport & Health 、Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 等期刊审稿人。













多因素综合作用下PC箱梁时变性能预测及试验研究,金华市科技计划一般项目, 主研

基于多源数据的恶劣天气下城轨运营风险预警研究,金华市科技计划一般项目, 主研








本科:《交通安全工程》、《交通测控技术及应用》、《概率论与数理统计》、《线性代数》 、《数学建模》



教育部学位中心 学位论文评审专家

Journal of Transport & Health  审稿人

Mathematical Problems in Engineering  审稿人

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)  审稿人

Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting  审稿人

Journal of Computational Social Science  审稿人

Scientific Reports  审稿人


浙江省轨道交通产教融合联盟专业人才开发工作室  研究员




Zhang, G., Xuan, Q., Cai, Y., Hu, X., Yin, Y., & Li, Y. (2024).  Analyzing the factors influencing speeding behavior based on quasi-induced exposure and random parameter logit model with heterogeneity in means. Journal of Safety Research. (SSCI, 已录用)

Zhang, G., Cai, Y., Hu, X., & Xuan, Q. (2024).  Evaluating the traffic safety performance of left-turn waiting areas at signalized intersections. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,31(1),3-11. (SSCI)

Zhang, G., Cai, Y., Jiang, X., Fan, Y., Zhou, Y., & Qian, J. (2023). An ensemble machine learning method for crash responsibility assignment in quasi-induced exposure theory. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 15(1), 24-42.(SSCI)

Zhang, G., Cai, Y., & Li, L. (2023). The difference in quasi-induced exposure to crashes involving various hazardous driving actions. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0279387.(SCI)

Zhang, G., Cai, Y., Jiang, X., Yao, T., & Fan, Y. (2022). Causal mediation analysis of the impacts of distracted driving on crash injury risks. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 29(4),556-565.(SSCI)

Zhang, G., Liang, Q., Jiang, X., Yang, S., Fan, Y., Qiu, X., Yao, T., & Mao, C. (2022). Examining the causal effects of distracted driving on crash injury severities. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 14(8), 1358-1377.(SSCI)

Zhang, G., Jiang, X., Qiu, X., Fan, Y., Huang, C., & Wei, M. (2021). Validating the underlying assumption of quasi-induced exposure technique disaggregated by crash injury severity. Journal of Safety Research, 76, 197-204. (SSCI)

Jiang, X., Han, M., Guo R., Zhang, G., Fan, Y., Li, X., Bai, W., Wei, M., & Liang, Q. (2021). Examining the underlying exposures of hit-and-run and non-hit-and-run crashes. Journal of Transport & Health, 20, 100995. (SSCI, 通讯作者)

Zhang, G., Jiang, X., Fan, Y., Fan, W., & Meng, T. (2020). Examining the factors influencing the injury severity of crashes on arterials with signal coordination. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 12(9), 1182-1203. (SSCI)

Zhang, G., Fan, Y., Jiang, X., Fan, W., Meng, T., & Xu, M. (2019). Assessing the impacts of signal coordination on the crash risks of various driving cohorts. Journal of Safety Research, 70, 79-87. (SSCI)

Zhang, G., Fan, W., Meng, T., Jiang, X., & Chen, G. (2018). Microscopic evaluation of traffic safety at signal coordinated intersections: A before–after study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(8), 867-873. (SCI & SSCI)

Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Zhou, Y., Xia, L., He, Z. (2017). Safety assessment of signalized intersections with through-movement waiting area in China. Safety Science, 95, 28-37. (SCI, 导师一作)

Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Bai, W., Fan, W. (2016). Safety evaluation of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting area in China. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 95, 461-469. (SSCI & EI, 导师一作)

Zhou, Y., Jiang, X., Fu, C., Liu, H., & Zhang, G. (2022). Bayesian spatial correlation, heterogeneity and spillover effect modeling for speed mean and variance on urban road networks. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 174, 106756. (SSCI & EI)

Fan, Y., Zhang, G., Jia, Z., & Jin, M. (2021). Safety analysis of signal-coordinated arterials with multiple heterogeneities. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021,2730113. (SCI)

Fan, Y., Guo, R., Jiang, X., Xu, M., Zhang, G., Li, X., Xu,S., & Liang, Q. (2021). Exploring the spatiotemporal correlation among traffic crashes on arterials with signal coordination. Transportmetrica A: transport science, 17(4), 1342-1360.(SCI & SSCI)

Fan, Y., Zhang, G., Ma, J., Lee, J., Meng, T., Zhang, X., & Jiang, X. (2019). Comprehensive evaluation of signal-coordinated arterials on traffic safety. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 21, 32-43. (SSCI)

Fan, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, M., & Zhang, G. (2020). Safety evaluation of arterials under signal coordination considering the correlated heterogeneity and multivariate spatial correlation. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3), 04020001. (SCI)

Zhang G., Fan Y., Li X., Bai W., Wei M., & Jiang X. (2020). Examining the underlying exposures of hit-and-run and nonhit-and-run crashes. Transportation Research Board (No.20-04254).

Zhang, G., Zhou, Y., Bai, W., Fan, W., & Jiang, X. (2018). The applicability of quasi-induced exposure technique on fatal crashes. Transportation Research Board (No. 18-01930).

江欣国,章国鹏,石小林,夏亮,&贾雄文.(2018).交互危险行为对双责事故严重程度的影响分析.西南交通大学学报, 53(2), 378-384. ( EI, 导师一作)

江欣国, 章国鹏, 柏伟, & 夏亮. (2016). 出行主体的相对危险暴露量研究综述.西南交通大学学报, 51(2-3), 546-552. (EI, 导师一作)

范英飞,章国鹏,徐梦清,马剑,&江欣国.(2018).成渝城市群经济与交通运输通道协同演化表征方法.交通运输系统工程与信息, 18(3), 234-241. (EI)






贾雄文,章国鹏,&夏亮.(2018).道路环境对双责事故受伤严重程度影响分析.交通运输工程与信息学报,16(1), 100-105.

石小林,章国鹏,&张渤.(2017).考虑危险驾驶群体的交通事故预测模型.综合运输, 39(9), 59-63. (通讯作者)

Zhang, G., Xia, L., Fan, W., Chen, G., Fan, Y., & Jiang, X. (2018). Vehicle Miles Traveled Estimation Based on Taxi GPS Data: A Case Study in Nanjing, China. In International Conference on Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportation, Communication and Applications (pp. 320-327). Springer, Cham. (EI)

Li, M., Cheng, L., Xu, G., Zhang, G. (2018). Safety impact factor analysis at intersections with left-turn waiting areas based on ordered logit model. In CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change - Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation - Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.

Zhang, G., Sun, L., Lou, J., Xu, S., Jiang, X. (2013). Driver factors analysis of rear-end accidents at signalized intersections. In Fourth International Confrence on Transportation Engineering. (EI)

Lou, J., Zhang, G., Sun, L., Xu, S., Jiang, X. (2013). Evaluation of social benefits of comprehensive transport. In Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. (EI)

Sun, L., Zhang, G., Lou, J., Xu, S., Jiang, X. (2013). Influence of traffic signal countdown on traffic safety in China. In Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. (EI)


姚汤伟,章国鹏,陈润婧,王艺莹,叶雨欣,赵婉亦,陈灏. 列车牵引系统的故障诊断方法及其系统[P]. 浙江省:CN115266159A,2022-11-01.

姚汤伟,陈灏,姚佳颖,钱炎烽,王鑫,章国鹏,叶雨欣. 车辆行驶性能评估系统及其评估方法[P]. 浙江省:CN115169971A,2022-10-11.

姚汤伟,章国鹏,陈润婧,王艺莹,叶雨欣,赵婉亦,陈灏. 一种基于提高发电效率的新能源发电交通信号灯[P].浙江:CN112885122A,2021-06-01.

施俊庆,李睿,李青,章国鹏,阮俊辉. 混合神经网络训练方法、交通流预测方法、设备和介质[P]. 浙江省:CN114742210A,2022-07-12.

姚汤伟,章国鹏,朱宇涛,杨政,钟晓轩,王鑫,钱炎烽. 一种具有提醒功能的道路交通警示设备[P]. 浙江:CN112854041A,2021-05-28.

范英飞,武晓鑫,范英翔,章国鹏. 一种基于智慧交通的立杆装置[P]. 山西:CN216074856U,2022-03-18.

江欣国,石小林,张渤,申勇,章国鹏. 一种道路交叉口进口道限高预警系统[P]. 四川:CN206773926U,2017-12-19.

石小林,江欣国,章国鹏,申勇. 一种铁路施工安全防护预警系统[P]. 四川:CN206679023U,2017-11-28.

江欣国,石小林,章国鹏. 一种铁路施工安全防护预警系统[P]. 四川:CN106965832A,2017-07-21. 

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